Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Time for what joy I can find...

With a deep breath and a sigh in my spirit, I begin this blog today, March 20, 2013. I never thought I'd be writing from a place of such brokenness. But I am learning today how to become my husband's keeper, his joy and crown. I am learning about my relationship with Jesus Christ through my husband. I am learning how I am also the keeper of my family, the teacher to my children, who are the very example of my relationship with God. This journey, it has a long story.

But let today be a place of beginning of what is in the process of becoming new... all things become new in Christ, of that I am certain. But the painful part is the TIME of waiting for my joy to become complete in Christ. I am in a place I never could have imagined for myself so long ago. But what I do know is that God knew all my days before they even began, and He knows me so well that He isn't surprised by the crazy circumstances.

And so with that, I'll begin telling you of the journey of what brought me here to this place, and what God shares with me about being my husband's keeper, the keeper of my family, and the sharer of His Immeasurable Light.

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